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The following is a list or resources for Grants & Loans available to you if you live in Maryland.


Maryland Home Energy Loan Program: Maryland Energy Administration provides loans of up to $20,000 to a 9.99% interest rate to Maryland property owners interested in improving the energy-efficiency of their homes through energy efficiency upgrades.

EmPOWER Clean Energy Communities Low-to-Moderate Income Grant Program: Grant funding finances energy efficiency projects that benefit low-to-moderate income Marylanders.

Local Utility Incentives: Programs include lighting and appliance rebates for homeowners, Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (including home energy assessments and 50% rebates for energy improvements like insulation and air sealing), commercial lighting rebates and energy efficiency services for industrial facilities.


Special Loan Programs’ Lead Hazard Reduction Grant and Loan Program: Special Loan Programs’ Lead Hazard Reduction Grant and Loan Program provide funds to help homeowners and landlords decrease the risk of lead poisoning and preserve the housing stock by reducing lead-based paint hazards. Improvements allowed in this program are: door and window treatments and replacement; floor treatments; paint removal, stabilization and repainting; encapsulation; enclosure; and specialized cleaning.

Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program (MHRP): Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program – Single Family (MHRP-SF) provides funding to conduct home repairs and to bring properties up to applicable building codes and standards.

Indoor Plumbing Program: Indoor Plumbing Program (IPP) provides funding for indoor plumbing in residential properties. Indoor Plumbing Program allows for the following improvements: wells, septic tanks and drain fields, piping from the septic system into the residential building, connection fees and assessments, plumbing fixtures and equipment including handicapped fixtures additions, modifications and alterations required to provide private space for toilet and bath facilities, sand mound systems purification systems, cost of percolation tests, alternative and innovative septic and water systems.

BeSMART Home Program: Be SMART Home Program offers innovative financing to improve home energy efficiency through replacement and upgrading of appliances, heating, cooling and ventilation systems and whole house envelope improvements across the state.

BeSMART Rebate Program: Be SMART Rebate Program offers up to $4250 for homeowners to incentivize them to make energy efficiency improvements in their home.

EmPOWER Maryland Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP): EmPOWER Maryland Low Income Energy Efficiency Program helps low income households with installation of energy conservation materials in their homes at no charge. These improvements will both reduce a household’s energy use and lower the monthly utility bills, and will also make occupants more comfortable and may improve the air quality and overall health of the family.

Special Targeted Applicant Rehabilitation Program (STAR): Special Targeted Applicant Rehabilitation Program (STAR) provides funding to bring buildings up to applicable housing standards. The Program is not available in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Harford County, Howard County, Prince Georges County, and Montgomery County.

Accessible Homes for Seniors Program: Accessible Homes for Seniors Program is operated by the DHCD in partnerships with the Maryland Department of Aging and provides improvements to the homes of seniors such as installation of grab bars and railings, widening of doorways, and installing ramps.

Community Development Block Grant Programs: Local CDBG programs provide housing intervention resources for low income families.

Multifamily Energy Efficiency and Housing Affordability Program (MEEHA): Program funds are available to make direct loans for the purchase and installation of equipment and materials for energy efficiency measures at existing multifamily rental properties.


Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP):

Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP): Electric Universal Service Program assists eligible low-income electric customers with their electric bills. Assistance is available whether you are an active customer or you are currently without service. Eligible electric customers may receive help to pay current electric bills, help to pay past due electric bills; or help with energy efficiency measures to reduce future electric bills.

Utility Service Protection Program (USPP): Utility Service Protection Program protects low-income families from utility cut-offs and allows MEAP eligible households to enter into a year-round even monthly payment program with their utility company. An equal monthly payment plan based on the estimated cost of the customer’s average annual utility usage minus the MEAP benefit will be used to determine the even monthly payments for participation in the USPP.


Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Baltimore Grant Programs (GHHI Baltimore): The Coalition’s Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Baltimore Grant Program conducts comprehensive housing assessments/energy audits and Healthy Homes (indoor allergen, safety, and other home-based environmental health hazard reduction), lead hazard reduction, weatherization, and energy efficiency interventions in the homes of low income families in Baltimore City.

Relocation Assistance Grant Application:

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP): Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) helps eligible low income households with the installation of energy conservation materials in their dwelling units. These measures both reduce the consumption of energy and the cost of maintenance for these homes.

Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development – Leading Innovation for a Green and Healthy Tomorrow (LIGHT): The LIGHT Program screens clients for resources ranging from energy-efficiency/weatherization, home rehabilitation, lead hazard reduction, fall/injury prevention, asthma reduction, healthcare, employment, financial security and more.

GHHI provides application assistance and streamlining for this grant.

Healthy Neighborhoods: Healthy Neighborhoods can provide home improvement loans of up to $40,000 to support the acquisition and/or rehabilitation of owner occupied homes in the ten Healthy Neighborhoods program areas of Baltimore City.


Baltimore County Office of Neighborhood Improvement

Lead Safe Baltimore County – Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program: Lead Safe Baltimore County Grant Program provides free lead risk assessments/lead-based paint inspections and lead hazard reduction interventions in low income homes in target communities in Baltimore County.

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