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Event: 2019 Executive Leadership Institute (ELI)

Please join us for our 10th Annual Executive Leadership Institute. The Institute offers the best and brightest thinking in the green and healthy housing movement and innovative financing. It stands as the preeminent annual meeting of practitioners implementing an integrated health and energy based housing intervention system through GHHI and will provide opportunities for educational sessions, direct dialogue with leaders from key sectors, cross-sector discussions, peer exchange and networking.

Post: NO LEAD Act Advocacy Statement

GHHI applauds Congressman Dan Kildee and Senator Tammy Duckworth for reintroducing the NO LEAD Act (National Opportunity for Lead Exposure Accountability and Deterrence) on July 10, 2019 to update the … Continued

Publication: Duty to Protect: Enhancing the Federal Framework to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning and Exposure to Environmental Harm

Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics publishes the article Duty to Protect: Enhancing the Federal Framework to Prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning and Exposure to Environmental Harm which provides a comprehensive overview of the dangers of lead exposure, details the federal government’s evolving response to lead poisoning, and for the first time, disseminates previously unpublished comments on “Drafting a New Federal Strategy to Reduce Childhood Lead Exposure and Impacts,” that were submitted to the President’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children in 2017, ahead of its most recent report.

In the News Post: Jackson Fights Lead Hazards in Homes With New Program

Some older Jackson homes with lead-based paint could get a little safer, especially for children, under a new program City leaders announced Monday.

#Residents with houses built before 1978 can have their homes tested for lead-based paint, which is known to cause serious health issues, and remedied if necessary under the new Lead Safe Housing Program. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development donated $1.3 million to fund the program.