The Sandtown neighborhood of Baltimore has all the markers of the depressed inner city Unemployment is high, drug abuse is rampant and many houses are vacant and dilapidated Less apparent-but equally insidious-is the prevalence of lead poisoning
Read the full story in TIME
Jackson Free Press
GHHI Jackson Outcome Broker Catherine Lee discusses the impact of lead poisoning, the current statistics for Mississippi and how to prevent exposure
Read the full story in the Jackson Free Press
BBC World Update with Dan Damon
Dan Damon interviewed GHHI President & CEO Ruth Ann Norton on the effects of lead poisoning, and the need for prevention and awareness
Listen to the full interview at BBC World Update (starts at 13:47)
Brooke Baldwin interviews GHHI President & CEO Ruth Ann Norton on the effects of lead poisoning and its prevelance in Baltimore
Asthma Community Network Podcast
In this podcast, GHHI President & CEO Ruth Ann Norton explains her organization's experience with social impact financing for asthma
Listen to the podcast on AsthmaCommunityNetworkorg