The Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) was originally founded in 1986 as Parents Against Lead, a grassroots volunteer effort. Parents Against Lead eventually grew into The Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning (CECLP). CECLP was founded as a 501c3 nonprofit organization that develops, implements and promotes programs and policies to eradicate childhood lead poisoning and further the creation of healthy homes.
Transition to GHHI
The Green & Healthy Homes Initiative was charged in 2008 by the White House Office of Recovery to lead the national efforts to integrate lead hazard control, healthy homes and weatherization and energy efficiency work. This project later became the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative that addresses the health and energy efficiency needs of a home through a holistic intervention model.
GHHI Today
GHHI has created innovative programs to improve the delivery of services and ensure the efficient use of resources to reduce lead poisoning (in Maryland by 98%), asthma and injury in low income housing while improving energy efficiency. GHHI continues its mission to end lead poisoning while continuing to look at housing as an integral factor in the health of families and communities.