Baltimore Sun
The free mobile app, developed for the Baltimore-based Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, walks users through a brief quiz to identify health threats such as chipping lead paint, mold, pests or carbon monoxide
Read more in the Baltimore Sun
Medical Daily
The office of Maryland Gov Larry Hogan announced Monday that the state is expanding its fight against lead poisoning by implementing a universal screening problem for children under the age of 2 It's a more aggressive strategy than what Maryland has previously pursued, testing only children...
WBAL 1090AM Radio
On Maryland's News This Week, Ruth Ann Norton, President and CEO of Green & Healthy Homes Initiative said the number of lead paint poisoning cases has dropped "significantly" in Maryland over the last 20 years, but she noted there are still several thousand children being poisoned throughout...
Baltimore Sun
The Hogan administration plans to require that all Maryland 1- and 2-year-olds be tested for lead poisoning, declaring the new rule is needed because thousands of youngsters are still at risk for health problems
Read more in the Baltimore Sun
Huffington Post
When Jon Fishman's family moved into their 200-year-old Maine farmhouse years ago, they didn't think to be concerned about lead paint hazards That all changed this February, a few minutes after a pediatrician pricked their toddler son's toe The rapid blood test revealed the presence of lead