The Practical Playbook II: Building Multisector Partnerships That Work
Written in practical terms that will resonate with readers from any background and sector, The Practical Playbook II brings together over 100 of the leading voices in public health, primary care, health systems, housing, transportation, businesses, and the faith community to answer questions from the conception to execution to policy-change stages of multisector partnerships including:
• Identifying sectors and actors that can help to collaborate to improve health.
• Best practices for initial engagement.
• Specifics related to collaborations with government, business, faith communities, and other types of part-ners.
• The role of data in establishing and running a partnership.
• Scaling up to maximize impact and remain sustainable.
• The role of financing.
A practical guide to consolidating resources across sectors to improve public and population health. Nontraditional collaborations have produced some of the most sweeping, health-improving results and the Practical Playbook elucidates what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to collaborating for change in and around health.
Read more from contributing authors Ruth Ann Norton and Michael McKnight as they share insights in a chapter on Capitalizing on the Health Impacts of Improving Housing Conditions here.
Purchase your copy of the full book, The Practical Playbook II, from Oxford University Press at: PracPlaybookII